Camping, RV, RVing

A little of both.

Happy Fall!  What a glorious October this has been in Colorado thus far.  The weather is in the mid-70’s today.  There is a nice breeze.  The sun is shining.  The leaves are falling and they are so golden and colorful!  Makes for a very good mood.

Well the Winterizing Seminar we held on Saturday evening was a raging success.  We had around 80 people attend.  Almost all of them are in our ABC club membership which they get when they either buy a motorhome or buy a club membership at our parts counter.  It gives them a year of 10% off their store purchases plus some other perks.

Snacks and homemade chocolate chip cookie bars lined the table.  Fresh hot coffee and tea as well as cold beverages were served.   There were interactive handouts and a raffle drawing.

Tim started the presentation at 4:30pm and had a fabulous presentation all about winterizing.  There was a lot of interaction and there were some excellent questions asked.  At right about 6pm we wrapped it up with our raffle.  We gave away a few prizes and the guests really seemed to enjoy that.  Overall it was a wonderful afternoon/evening.  So if any of you are here reading this…thank you very much for coming!  We are looking forward to seeing you at our next seminar to be announced in the near future.

We have pictures of the seminar and those will be added to this blog post in the next couple of days.

And without further ado…a video…for entertainment purposes:

I wouldn’t recommend building an RV like this and trying to drive it down a highway…in the rain.  😉

Camping, RV, RVing


Hi again!  Hope you are having a fantastic morning so far.  I’m sitting here and I’m just awed an amazed at the Chilean mine rescues going on.  Number 18 Esteban Rojas just came out of the capsule and immediately kneeled down and prayed to God to give thanks for his rescue.  I can’t even fathom what it would be like to be trapped underground…1/2 mile down for more than 2 months.  These men have a lot of strength and a lot of faith.  Just incredible.

Ok so in the previous post I mentioned that my goal was to entertain you in this post.  Let’s see if I can live up to your expectations.  I found this video that just made me chuckle.  For your viewing pleasure:

Yes they actually made a camper out of duct tape. For more viewing goodness check out their website:  Tip:  Don’t leave home without it (the duct tape that is).   I wonder how it would hold up in a rain storm.  Could turn into a sticky situation!  Ok that wasn’t punny.

But I digress.

I want to mention something serious here.  I guess that would make this a 1/2 entertain & 1/2 inform post.  Anywho…

We are having our annual FREE winterizing seminar this Saturday (10/16/10) at the dealership.  We are located at 4815 E. Platte Ave. in Colorado Springs.  It’s at Platte/Wooten and it’s just 2 doors down from the Flea Market.  Our seminar starts at 4:30pm and goes til about 6pm.  We will be serving light refreshments (my homemade chocolate chip cookies which are heaven in your mouth!)  You don’t want to miss this!   RSVP by calling Sam at (719) 596-2716.  We’d love to have you!

Homemade Chocolate Chip CookiesFREE Winterizing Seminar

Camping, RV, RVing


Well good afternoon!  I’m sitting here and it’s a true fall day.  Chilly.  Damp.  Leaves falling. I’m in the mood to bake something pumpkin or apple related.  Yep definitely the definition of fall in Colorado.

This is the first official post of our new blog.  I decided it would be good to inform.  The next post’s goal will be to entertain.

Without further ado, a video…to inform.  Specifically to inform you on How to Handle a Tire Blowout in Your RV.  We show this video at our Weight and Safety seminar we hold at our location annually.  Enjoy!